5 Teaching Materials

Teaching Materials

With animation pedagogy, we give children and young people the opportunity of stepping into a creative process, a special world where everything is possible.


Nature animation

With this website, we would like to contribute to creating enthusiasm for     the natural sciences and to support       the development of a creative science.

Alter 2.0

Alt-Er App & Learning Resources

To foster resilience in learners, lessen early school leaving, and give European children (ages 4 -6) a good start in their education. This site will have animation tools and games – as well as learning activities specific to the transition phase from kindergarten to school.

Animated Literacy

Animated Literacy

The aim of the project is to develop and implement animation pedagogical teaching material as an
innovative and didactic tool for teachers and pedagogues in primary and lower secondary schools.

FLY Animation Cards

FLY Animation Cards

Are you going to make an animation? Then here is a guide with tips on how to get started.

Animation Cards How To

Animation Cards How To

The good idea is the fundament of a film. No idea, no communication.
A good story can tolerate poor animation, but a poor story cannot be rescued by good animation.

Undervisningsmaterialer - Viborg Animation Festival

Teaching materials – Viborg Animation Festival

ANIMOK wants to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn more about what film and
media pedagogy is. Therefor offers ANIMOK educational materials for schools.